Tetrapturus albidus

Spanish:  Marlin Blanco

White marlin are found only on the east coast.

Distinguished by its rounded pectoral fins, first dorsal fin and anal fin, the white marlin is lighter in color and shows more green than other marlins. They are also considerably smaller: the average weighs 60 lbs, and the maximum recorded weight for a white marlin taken on rod-and-reel was 161 lbs. The color of the body is dark blue to chocolate brown, shading to a silvery white underbelly, with noticeable spots on dorsal fin. The lateral line curves above pectoral fin, then goes in a straight line to base of tail.

White marlin are found in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

The white marlin is an opportunistic carnivore eating anything that they can capture. As the smallest of the marlin, whites make for some of the best light-tackle saltwater fishing in the world. Trolling, live baiting, or fly-fishing will produce with this species. Trollers will pull strip baits, rigged baitfish, feather lures, or rubber lures in 100 to 1000-feet of water. They are mostly like to be found near baitfish, so canyons, reefs and other structures offer the best chances of a hookup. Live baiters use bonefish, squid, mullet, mackerel, and other feederfish. The white marlin is a great light tackle gamester and a "finicky feeder" that will try the patience of the most ardent angler.

While swimming they commonly display a technique known as "tailing," in which only the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin is visible above the surface of the water.

White marlin are generally not considered a schooling fish and most often occur solitarily or in pairs.

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